Distance Coaching - Dressage

Product Code DC001
YouTube ID: [?]

Mary is analysing:

• The general picture
• The correctness and quality of the paces
• The steadiness and correctness of the horse’s outline
• The dressage movements
• The rider’s position and effective application of the aids

In a schooling session take footage of lateral work both from the side, and the front. Flying changes should be shown from the side (to see the correctness) and the front (to see the straightness). Medium and extended trot seen from the side and the back. Medium and extended canter seen from the side and either the front or the back (to check straightness).

Following analysis of the footage she will comment on what she sees, and make suggestions for improvement and progression.

$40 AUD for a dressage test of any level from Introductory Walk/Trot to FEI
$40 AUD for 10 minutes of schooling

Distance Coaching   Dressage

Mary’s Philosophy 'Everyone who wants to ride well, can - but only if they know where they want to go'

Longden Corporation Pty Ltd
International +61 417 545 833
PO Box 1278, Warragul VIC 3818